Test Code: 375
CPT Code(s): 82565
Includes: Creatinine and EGRF
Methodology: Spectrophotometry (SP)
Clinical Significance: Serum creatinine is useful in the evaluation of kidney function and in monitoring renal dialysis. A serum creatinine result within the reference range does not rule out renal function impairment: serum creatinine is not sensitive to early renal damage since it varies with age, gender and ethnic background. The impact of these variables can be reduced by an estimation of the glomerular filtration rate using an equation that includes serum creatinine, age and gender.
Alternative Name(s): Creat; Creat w/ EGFR; Creatinine with EGFR
Supply: T01 - Red/Gray SST 8.5mL
Preferred Specimen: Serum
Preferred Volume: 1mL
Transport Container: Serum Separator Tube (SST)
Transport Temperature: Room Temperature
Specimen Stability: Room Temperature: 7 days
Rejection Criteria: Specimens exceeding stability; Unlabeled or improperly labeled specimens; Specimens other than serum; Grossly icteric specimens
For additional supply or collection device information, please contact DLO's Customer Service at (800) 891-2917, option 2.
The CPT codes provided are based on AMA guidelines and are for informational purposes only. CPT coding is the sole responsibility of the billing party. Please direct any questions regarding coding to the Payor being billed.