Test Code: 97712
CPT Codes: 87798 (x3), 87511, 87798 (x2)
Pathogens detected: Atopbium vaginae, Enterococcus faecalis, Esherichia coli, Gardnerella vaginalis, Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum
Disclaimer: The Sexually Transmitted Disease Panels are not recommended for evaluation of suspected sexual abuse or for other medico-legal indications.
- Urine Specimen Collection
- ThinPrep Pap Collection Vial
- E-swab, Routine, white cap
- U02 170551 90mL Sterile w/ Green Lid
- C01/C02 - Thinprep with broom, brush, or spatula
- S12 - E-swab, Routine, white cap
Preferred Specimen: Urine collected in sterile container; ThinPrep Pap collection device; Vaginal swab collected using Copan eSwab
Urine Specimen Collection
A “dirty urine” catch, which incorporates the contents of the urethra as well as the “wash-off” of the labia and vaginal introitis, is desired. The patient should not have urinated for at least one hour prior to sample collection. First morning specimen is preferred. Do not use any wipes to cleanse the external genital surfaces before collecting the specimen.
ThinPrep® Pap Solution Specimen Collection
Collect specimen as directed according to ThinPrep Specimen Collection instructions located on DLO’s Virtual Test Guide
When ordering test using EMR, input the test codes as listed on the facing page. When ordering through a manual Cytology requisition, write the desired test code in the “Comments” space located at the bottom.
Prepare specimen for transport according to ThinPrep Specimen Collection instructions.
Vaginal Specimen Collection
A vaginal swab is the appropriate specimen if a characteristic discharge is present. When ulcerations suggestive of Herpes are seen, careful attention should be given to swabbing the base of the ulceration as well as collecting any secretions that are present and representative of the patient’s symptoms.
- Remove the swab from the wrapper being careful not to contaminate the swab by touching it to any surface.
- Insert the tip of the specimen swab about two inches (5 cm) into the opening of the vagina.
- Gently rotate the swab for 15 to 30 seconds against the sides of the vagina to ensure adequate sampling.
- Withdraw the swab carefully. Handle the cap and tube carefully to avoid contamination.
- Without contaminating the swab, place the swab in the transport tube all the way to the bottom of the tube.
- Rotate the swab 5 times in the solution and carefully break the swab at the scored line on the shaft or you may discard the swab in a manner consistent with the practices set out by the physician’s office or clinic.
- Recap the transport tube carefully. Ensure the cap seals tightly.
- Label the transport tube with the patient name and date collected
Rejection Criteria: Specimens recieved past stability, specimens received in transport media other than those listed as acceptable
Setup Time: 1st Shift, Monday - Saturday
Report available: 24 hours from time of receipt in laboratory (excludes specimens received on Sunday)
For additional supply or collection device information, please contact DLO's Customer Service at (800) 891-2917, option 2.
The CPT codes provided are based on AMA guidelines and are for informational purposes only. CPT coding is the sole responsibility of the billing party. Please direct any questions regarding coding to the payor being billed.